Tracey Ohata
Certified Connected Parenting Coach
I specialize in coaching parents/caregivers of highly sensitive and strong-willed kids with powerful feelings who express themselves through anger and other big behaviors.
With a conscious, connected parenting technique that has empathy at its core, we provide emotional safety, resilience and confidence, and bring peace back into the home.
Do you have a highly sensitive child? Find out below for a free checklist with the 12 top signs of heightened sensitivity.

Parenting well does not come naturally.
What comes naturally is parenting the way we were parented.
- Allan Shore

Authoritarian and permissive parenting have both shown to produce children with higher risk of substance abuse.
This includes putting up walls and avoiding difficult conversations.
But there is good news! Parents across demographic segments want to improve their parenting and seek help in doing so.
In fact, 85% of parents agree that good parenting can actually be learned.​​

69% of parents say that if they had known more positive techniques were available to them, they would have used them.
My certified parenting coaching program empowers parents of highly sensitive kids.

​I believe in an approach that looks at the future of our children's resilience and mental health.
We build the skills that carers can implement now to affect change and restore peace in the home, classrooms and communities.

Connected Parenting Program for Parents
A transformative program that leads parents on a journey of empowerment, with a structured curriculum and practical steps in a safe environment guided by a certified practitioner.

Tracey has been such a blessing to our family. Our family had been searching for someone who not only supported our son but also our family unit. We found that "someone" in Tracey.
By following the Connected Parenting Model, our family is stronger than ever. Tracey is one-of-a-kind family support system and we are forever grateful."
- Megan

For educators:
I share a philosophy and certified technique for parenting in the 21st century. Through workshops, presentations and other collaborations with schools, churches, prisons and groups committed to empowered parenting in our communities, we can contribute to empowering a new generation of Americans. ​

Words from incarcerated mothers choosing rehabilitation:
I have learned so many life skills not only for my child but for me as well. I didn’t know there were so ways to nurture through my parenting. I now understand how everything I do really affects my child’s life. I leave here a better person and a better mother.
I discovered what my positive and negative parenting traits are, to show myself morals to live by and what values to hold on to. Thank you for taking your time to come out and teach us.
When I started this class I thought it was going to be like every other parenting class, but it really helped me to realize where I was lacking, not only within myself but within my parenting and family.
I’ve learned healthier ways to express my emotions, how to handle stressors and how to open up, and use better communication skills.
What I got out of this class was that listening and not just harping on at your children will help create better behaviors and better relationships between you and them. Leaving this class I will use the tools I have learned to the best of my ability.
I’ve learned how to be more patient and more understanding of my child. I’ve learned to listen more and breathe before punishing my child. Thank you for teaching this class.